Local Government

The Auditor of Public Accounts (APA) does not conduct annual audits over local government operations or financial statements.  The Code of Virginia requires local governments to contract with an external, independent public accounting firm to perform their annual financial audit. Our office only performs limited audit work over state funds handled by local constitutional officers at the cities and counties.  In general, the APA does not have authority to perform audits or investigations into concerns over local government funds, financial processes, or how local funds are budgeted and spent.  State law would only permit the APA to perform a special audit at the local level in limited circumstances.  Since the APA conducts our work according to an annual workplan approved by the Joint Legislative Audit and Review Commission (JLARC), specific legislative action by the General Assembly would be needed to authorize our office to perform any special audit or review on the local government level.  Please review the About Us page to learn more about the work the APA performs.

While our office does not conduct the local government audits, we do perform other oversight functions to assist in improving accountability and financial management for Virginia local governments.  This oversight includes issuance of annual specifications that set additional requirements unique to local government audits and guidelines to assist local compliance with accounting and reporting requirements.  We also perform quality control reviews over local government audits performed by public accounting firms to ensure the firm's audit work complies with relevant auditing standards.  Further, we provide support for local governments through technical assistance and knowledge sharing opportunities, along with providing various information and resources on our website to assist with accounting and auditing guidelines and other relevant topics.

For Local Government related inquiries, please email localgovernment@apa.virginia.gov.

You can also contact our local government team directly by phone: Laurie Hicks, Local Government and Judicial Systems Director, 804-362-8441; Rachel Reamy, Local Government Manager, 804-362-8436.

Local Government Overview

2020-2021 Annual Fiscal Distress Monitoring Report as of April 2022

The Virginia Acts of Assembly and Code of Virginia direct the office of the Auditor of Public Accounts (Office) to establish a prioritized early warning system and annually monitor data and information from this system to identify whether a locality may meet the defined criteria for fiscal distress.  As part of this annual fiscal distress monitoring process, the Office analyzes leading financial indicators through ratio analysis using data from each locality’s audited annual financial report.  As a second component of this process, we perform a qualitative analysis to consider demographic and non-financial factors, along with other applicable leading indicators and external information, for any locality whose financial ratio results indicate a need for further review.   The Office performs the annual monitoring process over all cities and counties, and those towns statutorily required to have an annual audit. This report includes the results of our 2020 and 2021 annual monitoring processes.

2020-2021 Annual Fiscal Distress Monitoring Report as of April 2022