Applicable Fiscal Year: 2023
Report Category: Internal Control and Compliance
Organization: Office of the Governor
This report includes the results of our audit for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2023, for the Office of the Governor and the Cabinet Secretaries as listed below. The Division of Executive Administrative Services, within the Secretary of Administration’s office, provides financial services and administrative support to these agencies.
Office of the Governor Secretary of Health and Human Resources
Secretary of Administration Secretary of Labor
Secretary of Agriculture and Forestry Secretary of Natural and Historic Resources
Secretary of Commerce and Trade Secretary of Public Safety and Homeland Security
Secretary of the Commonwealth Secretary of Transportation
Secretary of Education Secretary of Veterans and Defense Affairs
Secretary of Finance
Our audit of the Office of the Governor and Cabinet Secretaries found:
· proper recording and reporting of all transactions, in all material respects, in the Commonwealth’s accounting and financial reporting system;
· no matters involving internal control and its operation necessary to bring to management’s attention; and
· no instances of noncompliance with applicable laws and regulations or other matters that are required to be reported; and
· adequate corrective action with respect to one prior audit finding identified as complete in the Findings Summary included in the Appendix.