Applicable Fiscal Year: 2022
Report Category: Internal Control and Compliance
Organization: Virginia State Bar
Our audit of the Virginia State Bar (State Bar) for the fiscal year ended June 30, 2022, found:
• proper recording and reporting of all transactions, in all material respects, in the Commonwealth’s accounting and financial reporting system and State’s Bar internal accounting system; and
• no matters involving internal control and its operation necessary to bring to management’s attention nor instances of noncompliance with applicable laws and regulations or other matters that are required to be reported.
Our prior audit of State Bar included two findings titled “Continue Improving Oversight of Third-Party Service Providers” and “Improve Server Operating System Security.” We found that State Bar has completed corrective action with respect to the finding titled “Continue Improving Oversight of Third-Party Service Providers.” The system for which the finding titled “Improve Server Operating System Security” applied is no longer in use by State Bar; therefore, this finding is no longer applicable.