Applicable Fiscal Year: 2023
Report Category: Internal Control Questionnaire Review Results
Secretariat: Commerce and Trade
Organization: Department of Housing and Community Development
Department of Housing and Community Development Internal Control Questionnaire Review Results as of April 2023. Housing and Community Development should ensure that it meets all requirements of the Agency Risk Management and Internal Control Standard, including obtaining evidence of senior management’s review and approval of the agency’s Code of Ethics and policies and procedures and performing the required risk assessment procedures. Additionally, Housing and Community Development should properly separate responsibilities of the Chief Information Officer and Information Security Officer or obtain an exception from the Virginia Information Technologies Agency. Further, Housing and Community Development should perform a physical asset inventory once every two years, as required by the Commonwealth’s Accounting Policies and Procedures (CAPP) manual. Finally, Housing and Community Development should update its policies and procedures to clearly define its payroll responsibilities and those of the Payroll Service Bureau and implement policies and procedures for performing reconciliations between the Commonwealth’s personnel management system and retirement system.